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Spotlight: Contessa Restaurant at The Newbury Hotel in Boston

Video courtesy of Dining Playbook

Spotlight: 1928 Beacon Hill in Boston

Video courtesy of Dining Playbook

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Today's Travel Finds: Lobster Tours

Video courtesy of The Nonantum Resort on YouTube

The Nonantum Resort in Kennebunkport, Maine offers daily lobster tours in season.

Enjoy a lobster buffet lunch on your Gloucester (Massachusetts) Lobster Cruise

Globus' Cape Cod & The Islands 2018 itinerary includes a visit to Flax Pond Farms, a working cranberry bog, and a lobster & seafood bake.

Vermont Bicycling and Walking Vacations' The Maine Coast: Purely Acadia tour delves into the life of a lobster fisherman; includes a classic lobster bake.