Saturday, July 27, 2019

Vermont in August

Twin Farms' Chef Swap series: Experience a Taste of London in Vermont, August 8-9, 2019, with British chef Ben Tish. The event will include a cocktail reception, New England themed BBQ and English-themed multi-course tasting menu.

Guest chef Mark Lundgaard from Copenhagen brings Nordic flavors to Twin Farms on August 14-16, 2019.

For more information, visit

Vermont Open Farm Week, August 9-15, 2019
Get an upclose look into the workings of Vermont farms.

Learn more about this event at

Vermont Cheesemakers' Festival is August 11, 2019— cheese tastings, educational seminars, cooking demonstrations by star chefs, cheesemaking demonstrations and more.
Spotlight: Woodstock Inn & Resort's Culinary Philosophy

Video courtesy of Vermont's Woodstock Inn & Resort on YouTube

Spotlight: Contessa at The Newbury Hotel in Boston

Video courtesy of Dining Playbook on YouTube